Running is a passion. My name is Glenn Dennis, and I’m one of you – a runner. Some of you may know me as Jason Savage, the president of
Freedom Memorials and director of the
Zoe Foundation. I led off with my given name because I’ve used it to register for races since 1978. If I used Jason Savage throughout this site, many runners I’ve raced with would not recognize me using that name. As a competitor for many years, I’m listed as Glenn Dennis in racing archives like
AthLinks. As an artist/designer, I have used my pseudonym in my professional capacity since 1986. In the spirit of remembering those special events and performances I know you’ve all experienced, I’ve designed a commemorative that I hope you will like – your
Personal Memory. No matter if running is a competitive undertaking, a social meet up, or part of a weight loss regimen, I bet you have a special event you would like to remember. Your running accomplishment can be passed down through family generations.